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Setting Up a Custom Play Domain for Minecraft (SRV and A Record)

Here’s how to set up your own domain name for your Minecraft server.

1. Go to your web hosting package. (If you don't have a web hosting package, use! Check out the guide here.)

2. Navigate to DNS Management.

3. Add the following record:

Record type: A

Name: play

Value: Your service’s IP (if you can't find it, contact us!)

TTL: 3600

Save it!

4. Now, add another record:

Record type: SRV


TTL: 3600

Priority: 0

Weight: 5

Port: Your Minecraft server port (can be found on the Allocations page at

Value: play.yourdomain.extension (replace yourdomain.extension with your chosen domain!)

Save this as well!

You have now created both an A and SRV record. It may take a few hours for everything to start working!

If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out via Discord or create a support ticket through this link.