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How to Set Up Add-ons on a Bedrock Server

Here’s how you can add add-ons to your Bedrock server.

1. Stop Your Server

2. When you download an add-on, it will look like this

You can also unzip the .mcaddon or .mcworld file

Once unzipped, you will find the following files inside:

It’s possible that you only get one of the two files from the zip. The steps still apply!

RP and BP

RP = Resource Packs

BP = Behavior Packs

3. In your Bedrock server, you can find these folders too

4. Place the RP folder in the resource_packs folder and the BP folder in the behavior-packs folder

The folder name might look different, for example, camera-mode-v5.1.1-rp

5. Go to your worlds folder and click through to the folder where level.dat is located, then create two files named:



6. In these two files, you need to copy information from the manifest.json file.

7. Inside both the RP & BP folders, there’s a file called manifest.json.

8. In the manifest.json file, you will find the uuid and version. These two values are needed. Take note of these values for later use.

NOTE: This is for resource packs!

Copy the uuid and version values and paste them into the world_recourse_packs.json file.

Ensure that the uuid is renamed to pack_id.
It is also important that the text is surrounded by square brackets like this: [ { } ].

9. Do the same for behavior packs

Copy the values for behavior packs and paste them into world_behavior_packs.json.

Ensure that the uuid is renamed to pack_id.
It is also important that the text is surrounded by square brackets like this: [ { } ].

We’re done!

Start your server and test it out!

If you encounter any issues, feel free to reach out via Discord or create a support ticket through this link.