If you want to know how to enable the whitelist on your server, follow this article!
1. Navigate to the game panel: https://game.etheron.eu
2. Enter the following command to enable the Whitelist:
whitelist on
3. After this we have to add someone to the Whitelist, in this case we add Testuser1234, you do this in the following way:
whitelist add Testuser1234
4. To remove someone from the whitelist we use the following command, again we use Testuser1234:
whitelist remove Testuser1234
If your player has the OP permission you can also use the commands ingame.
How to OP someone can be found here!
1. To enable the Whitelist use:
/whitelist on
2. To add someone use:
/whitelist add Testuser1234
3. To remove someone from the Whitelist, use:
whitelist remove Testuser1234